Here are some ideas to carve out a little time for yourself

Finding time for yourself with a new baby can be challenging, but it's essential for your well-being. Balancing the demands of a new baby with your need for personal time requires creativity and flexibility. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can find small but meaningful moments to recharge for you and your family ❤️ 

  • Take Advantage of Nap Time: Use your baby's nap time to relax or simply do nothing. Contact naps in bed can be a nice way to also force you to have a rest or to simple just be.
  • Share Responsibilities/Partner Support: If you have a partner, take turns caring for the baby, giving each of you some personal time. Speaking about roles and expectations before baby is very helpful
  • Family or Friends Help: Don’t hesitate to ask family members or close friends to help out, even for an hour or two, so you can recharge. You need support from everyone now is the time!
  • Use a Baby Carrier! Multitasking is your new role: Wearing your baby in a carrier allows you to keep them close while still having your hands free to do other things, whether it’s enjoying a cup of tea, meal prep or getting your older child ready. 
  • Set Up a Daily Routine/ Predictability: Establishing a routine can help you anticipate when you might have some free time, allowing you to plan small breaks. Example: always take a shower in mornings to wash the night off or in the evening. A baby bouncer in the bathroom can be super helpful to even go to the bathroom hands free and to shower independently to feel ready for the day of unpredictability.


  • Consistency: As your baby gets used to a routine, you may find it easier to predict their needs, giving you more moments to yourself. Usually this can happen after 2-3 months


  • Wake Up a Little Earlier or Stay Up a Bit Later: Waking up 30 minutes before your baby or staying up a bit after they sleep can give you some quiet time to enjoy a hobby, meditate, or simply relax.



  • Utilise Baby Gear: Baby Swings/Bouncers: These can keep your baby safely entertained for a short period while you take a break nearby. A Play Mat/Activity Gym can support development but also have some again hands free time too


  • Hire Help If Possible: Babysitter or Doula: Even hiring someone for a few hours a week can give you much-needed time to yourself.

  • Swap Childcare with Other Parents: Team up with other parents to trade off childcare. You watch their baby for a few hours one day, and they watch yours another, giving each of you some personal time.


  • Self-Care During Feeding: like Audiobooks or Podcasts. Listen to something you enjoy while feeding your baby to feel mentally engaged and relaxed.


  • Mindfulness Practices: Practice deep breathing or simple meditation while breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Listening to calm music while doing so.


  • Incorporate Baby Into Your Activities: Take your baby for a walk in the stroller or carrier not having a mission but just to simply go for a walk. The fresh air can be good for both of you, and it provides a mental break ideally if there is lots of trees around.


  • Home Workouts: Try gentle exercises like yoga or stretching while your baby plays or watches nearby. Baby and me yoga is also a nice one!


  • Accept Imperfection and Lower Expectations: Don’t stress about keeping everything perfect. Sometimes, it’s okay to let non-essential tasks slide to make room for yourself.


  • Focus on Priorities: Identify what’s most important for your well-being and prioritise those activities when you have free time. Tell you partner about your day and what your needing right now be open and honest with your communication. They are sadly not mind readers.


  • Create a “Me-Time” Ritual like Daily Rituals: Establish a small daily ritual, like enjoying a cup of tea, long bath, meal prepping, doing a skincare routine, or journaling, that’s just for you. It can be a simple yet powerful way to maintain a sense of self.

Here are some ideas to carve out a little time for yourself
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