Lets talk Fibre

The best sources of fiber are typically found in whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Fibre is so important for postpartum, it helps not only constipation and keep us having regular bowel movements but it keeps us full longer. When we just had a baby in particular our organs need to return to their original place and straining while pooping is the last thing we want. Either way you gave birth we all know that first poop sucks!

Make sure you’re getting enough water too! a quick tip is to deep breathe and add a small stool under your feet while on the toilet a different position may help. Water with added flaxseed powder, psyllium husk or chia seeds (not all 3) but your choice which works for you .

*if your having difficulty with your digestion let your doctor or midwife know asap!
Lets talk Fibre
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