Ashwagandha Sleep Tonic

To support stress, anxiety and sleep

By Naturopath Lauren Glucina – a modern take on the classic Ayurvedic recipe.


1 cup + 2 tablespoons water
2 heaped tablespoons raw macadamia nuts
1 Medjool date or a teaspoon of raw honey
¼ - ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
2 pinches of nutmeg powder
2 pinches of clove powder
Pinch of fine sea salt
1/3 – ½ vanilla bean
1 teaspoon ashwagandha root powder equivalent to 1g


Add all ingredients (even the vanilla bean – no need to scrape the seeds out) in a blender and whizz till smooth and creamy. Transfer to a pot and heat gently.

* In Ayurvedic medicine, is it classified as rasayana – a rejuvenator – used to restore health and wellbeing and promote longevity. It has been used for centuries to alleviate stress, anxiety and fatigue, and is regarded as a general all-purpose tonic. To be taken in small doses. Please ask your doctor or naturopath before making this. Avoid while pregnant! If your breastfeeding seek advice from your doctor or midwife
Ashwagandha Sleep Tonic
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